Sunday, January 31, 2016

The password supplied with the username Administrator was not correct ” Error while creating web application in SharePoint

Recently I encounter one error in SharePoint 2010,  I just change the password of admin user of  SharePoint 2010. After that when I open the Central administration it seems crash! because I didn’t change the password of each the Appool use by the admin group of share point  central administration. When I change it seems fine and working perfectly  but when I try to create a new web application on the farm it showed me erorr somethign like that.
Error :
The password supplied with the username .\Administrator was not correct. Verify that it was entered correctly and try again” Error while creating web application in SharePoint 2010.
but after lil search I found that to change the app pool password is not enough, we need to change it by power shall as well in share point server 2010
go to the power shall and enter the command with you credential.
stsadm -o updatefarmcredentials -userlogin <domain\username> –password<newpassword>.
When I run this command getting error : command line error, I am findinding solution.